Posts by Defon 12
November 02, 2010
Well I had to take yesterday off. I guess I had too many treats on Hollween. No more drinking, and this time I almost mean it. 
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October 31, 2010
I am going to focus on writing articles now. Writing isn't hard.. just makes you think a little.
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October 29, 2010
I have noticed some of the tutorial make me wait for hoursor even days to go onto the next training. At first I felt this washolding meback but now I’m beginning to feel it releases some of the pressure Iwasputting on myself and now I will focus on my goals.
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October 28, 2010
I am starting to feel better. I do have most of the accounts already in place like adsense and google antalicys, and I am a member of a bunch of aff programs. I almost forgot being a memeber of some of these aff programs becuase I have only got'n a few checks.  Now I am moving along and learning to research stuff... rathen than just throwing something against the wall and waiting for money to fall. Well I'm still waiting for money but with more stragegy.
October 28, 2010
I am starting to feel better. I do have most of the accounts already in place like adsense and google antalicys, and I am a member of a bunch of aff programs. I almost forgot being a memeber of some of these aff programs becuase I have only got'n a few checks.  Now I am moving along and learning to research stuff... rathen than just throwing something against the wall and waiting for money to fall. Well I'm still waiting for money but with more stragegy.
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October 27, 2010
Learn FASTER!!!Damit! ;-)
October 26, 2010
Weird, I am finding I have too much to write. I am writing about industry that I have years of experience with so no the trick is breaking the stuff down to topics and testing for keyword density. But I got the WP up and domain forwarded. I feel like after I do that about 15 more times it will be easy.
October 26, 2010
I have been doing about 2 or 3 hours a day. But I feel like I'm going too slow. So I woke up this morning at 4:30 to go to the gym and deciededto work on WA instead. Once I have WP up I will feel more productive. But I have been having little delays with setting up DNS wrong, or losing a password and waiting for reset... all these delays are kiling me. So I'mgoing to push thru it now.
October 26, 2010
I paid about 20K for my college education. Still paying studentloans. If I actually worked in my field my degree would pay me about 30K my first few years and maybe 45K after 5 years. I lasted about 2 years before I went out and do my own self employed stuff.  I was not in a big hurry to make the $50 a month investment for this WA but I'll have to tell you it would take 400 months or 33 years. I have a feeling this will pan out much more.
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October 25, 2010
So much to do and learn. Today is day two and I hit it running. But after learning a BUNCH I feel like I'm spinning my wheels. Each tutorial has about 3 to 6 tutorials you must complete.  So I'm now hitting my Wordpress and got a new domain. It's weird, I feel some what over whelmed with information. I am a geek at heart and have built a few sites and wrote a few scripts here and there and I feel ignorant. I usually enjoy the feel of some ignorance, it means I'm learning... but this is a mu