Getting comfortable in my new shoes

Last Update: June 21, 2010

Well, I have been a member for just over three weeks now, and I am truly beginning to get a "good feel" for my WA surroundings, and I must say I am liking every moment thus far. I have delved farther into the 12-week action-plan course, and have learned a considerable amount. I have as yet to come up with a niche that "sings" to me...but I am getting there. And the beat goes on....


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moonvine Premium
Me too! After two weeks, and I am beginning to feel comfortable and have a WA "system" in my routine. Much much ahead to learn and to do, but pleased with my own progress. one day at a time.
Sherion Premium
Hey there. We joined the same day. I too am having a good feeling here. I have learned so much.