About DidierN
Joined June 2008
Hey everyone, thanks for stopping by. Well, My name is Didier, I am 34 years old, live in London (at the moment). I travel between Orlando and London on a regular basis as I have a business interest in Florida, check out our site, we have fun there, you'll see. Anyway. I love extreme sports, wakeboarding, snowboarding, rollerblading, anything that gets the adrenilin pumping really. Other than that, I am into music and play the guitar from time to time. The rest, I guess you'll learn as I learn more about you guys too.
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Jacob Premium
Welcome to the neighborhood Didier, Good luck on all your endeavors.
DidierN Premium
joined about an hour ago, really exciting stuff in here, so far.
joediaz Premium
HI Mr Didier and welcome aboard. I checked out your website and it's a really cool concept, I love it. My husband would probably really enjoy that type of thing. I'm a big chicken and worry about getting hurt , my one daughter, the one in my arms...is more of a risk taker as well. Hope it does awesome for you. It's nice to see other creative, business minded folks on here. Good luck and hang in there (no pun intended)
DidierN Premium
HI there, thank you for visiting my space and my site, much appreciated and of course thank you for the words of encouragements. I must admit, I love this site so far. I have learned more in two days than i have the past year with other programs.
Wishing you all the best with WA

Didier or D as my friends call me
Garnet7887 Premium
Welcome to WA DidierN. Much success to you. Marylou
DidierN Premium
Hey Marylou, thanks for the shout out, I am really excited about all this. God luck to you too
silverlotus Premium
Welcome DidierN. Cool pic. Sounds like you've got the mobile/global rythym going on. Good luck with building up your IM. Nice webpage. If I can be of help to you be sure to let me know.
silverlotus Premium
Hey DidierN, You put the A in Action and take the F out of Fear don't ya! And all with daring Style! Love the new pics on you profile! WA is sure to help you build your business.
silverlotus Premium
Hi DidierN, This can be overwhelming especially when you're not use to sitting in a chair for hours. I don't know how much of a computer background you have but having a techie in your corner would be a Huge asset. Someone you can schedule time with so that when you do sit down you can get something done. Since you just joined I would recommend that you give yourself ample time to go thru the 8 week course which is beautifully laid out but extremely extensive. Plan to read...Alot and just absorb as much as you can at a pace that allows you to maintain your own personal tolerance level and keep your business in order. You are already way ahead of most because you already have a website and you are actively engaged in marketing. If you want to fast forward then you will need to pace yourself according to your own level of computer savvy and/or with the availability of your own personal wizard. I wish I could offer that to you but at this point I'm taking my own advice. Today my goal is to get one or two. I've been reading since May 1st. I have also found that your own internal personal barometer will gage your pace in terms of exposure to the cyber world. Some people are comfortable stripping down naked on their webcam. Others project a corporate image. There are so many options now. You must find your comfort zone, determine just what it is you want to accomplish. Take one step at a time as you digest this tsunami of information. Pace yourself and be realistic. Only you know how much you can handle in terms of time, energy and money. It'll will all come together in due time. The steps are all laid out in the 8 week plan. Reach out any time. Right now I've got to take my Gram to the doctor but I'll be checking back in, in a few hours. Peace.
DidierN Premium
Great profile, sounds like you also have a geat and fulfilling life. All the best with WA. Didier
DidierN Premium
Hey Silverlotus,

Mny thanks for stoppin by again. I must admit, I am finding the first two days somewhat overwhelming. I think I am trying too achieve too much at once and losing my way a little. If you have any advice, hollow please.