Site Rubix Domination

Last Update: March 27, 2010

I just created my first Share Zone tutorial. It is a video tutorial that covers every aspect of using Site Rubix. I hope it will help a lot of people.

 You can take a look at it here: 


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ScottyD Premium
Hey Josh,
Just wanted you to know "Site Rubix Domination" was great! made it very simple to understand, Here's some gold,Bud! Thanks again.
dr.bob Premium
Bravo. Just what I needed to get me on the right track with Site Rubix. Great Job.
kadcpp Premium
Thank You! I was having trouble linking images and your tutorial made me a pro.
jatdebeaune Premium
Bravo! I haven't used Rubix, mainly because I am hearing the frustration from those who have used it. Thanks for helping out. I'll certainly check it out.