Articles Success

Last Update: June 10, 2011

Well, my web site still doesn't come up in a google or yahoo search.  But, most of my articles do.  Three of my nine articles come up on google's first page in the number two slot.  Three others come up on page two.  I'm pretty excited about that because, as you know, the articles have links to my web site.  No sales yet, but I believe that if I keep doing the things I'm doing here at WA it's just a matter of time now.  Keep at it people.  I'm sure you've all heard the old saying that persistence pays off.

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winch330 Premium
Is nice to read that someone is persistent in their article marketing effort too!! Which article directories do you use to submit your article? I've been using ezine so far.. let's stay in touch!
Now I'm no expert but if your articles are ranking and reader click the link to your site does it really matter if the site isn't ranking? Some SEO experts could probably help you tweak it for ranking. Try a question in forums. Cheers, JR.