1 week as WAU member

Last Update: November 19, 2009

I just joined WAU 1 week ago today! WOW, it seems like longer. I have posted 5 Lenses on Squidoo so far. The "stats" on my 1st Lens says it is ranked @ #159 in "work at home". That sounds significant to me, so I am taking it as a positive sign! :) A big thank you to all my buddies, especially the handful who have been very supportive. You know who you are! And another big thank you to PotPieGirl for her tutorial on writing for Squidoo. A week ago I had never even heard of them! Life is definitely a funny old dog. Take care everyone and thanks again!


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jessieeverette Premium
Thanks a lot Dr. Marie. I was sick the past days, i was not able to do much. I'll let you know when i will have some development. God bless you.
DrMarie Premium
His Jessiee! Sorry, but I just read this post. I know how you feel (literally!). I have 2 suggestions to get you started. 1. Go to your "Training Center" tab & click it. Then click "Homepage". This is a good starting point. 2. Best advice I can give you - Read EVERYTHING ever written by PotPieGirl! She is just wonderful & her tutorials are step by step! Just remenber, take your time. Baby steps. Don't overload yourself. Keep your enthuisiasm and with a positive attitude, you'll go far. Please let me hear from you & I hope this helps.
Dr. Marie
jessieeverette Premium
Hi marie,
i just joined wealthy affiliate yesterday, i have no idea what to do exactly, can i ask for some advice? thanks a lot. i would appreciate it a lot.
DrMarie Premium
Thank you so much! I appreciate that! I will tell you a secret. The first 3 days at WA I thought my brain would explode! :) I told my husband it was like a big puzzle and I could see all the pieces, but not the whole puzzle. Then BOOM! Just like that! It all came together and I could see the whole thing! You will get there! I have learned so much here from everyone. But the truth is I really am psychic. I picked up alot of knowledge just from connecting with folks on here. Just hang in there because people work at different speeds. I am sure alot of people "got it" faster than me. Be sure to check out PotPieGirl's tutorial on Squidoo. She teaches you everything on how to create a Lens. Step by Step. Also, I clicked on that "Be a Super Affiliate" link and worked through the tutorial on articles. I read very fast, so don't compare yourself to me or anybody else. I can tell you now, it is going to come together for you. So don't sweat the small stuff!
hagar Premium
hey marie...
i'm so proud of you... only a week and alredy 5 lenses on squidoo... pleas tell me how you do that...
it took me a week just to get out of the shock and to understand what internet marketing is lol... keep on going!