Hello, I am a 58 yr old male USPS letter carrier from the northeast part of the US. I joined WA last November and quickly found out I wasn't able to appropriate time to begin my new adventure. Frustrated I almost quit during the last couple months, but each time I went to the website to do so I would begin reading and thought this may be just what I need as I search for a new career. Letter carrying is fine but is a younger person's game. Case in point I have been laid up with a couple bulging disks in my lower back for a couple months now and it won't be for a couple more before I return (if I am able). So now that I'm not bedridden and am doing some walking I thought I would finally begin doing something here at WA now that I have the time. I am a complete novice with IM and am about to find out how strong my will really is. Kyle and Carson sound great as do what and how they've set up this business. Sounds like there's a lot of helpful people on board. I look forward to learning and doing.
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