Posts by Emarrufo 4
October 17, 2011
Just got my 1st article approved over at after my 3rd attempt. The process went well with my third edit, but it is now approved. Looks like these guys are really looking out for all of us not just their website. I felt bad when I saw it was rejected but they do give a reason and suggestions too. Which is very nice. Great job at monitoring the process and keeping the integrity of the site by offering suggests. Here’s a link to it;
July 21, 2011
 Hello WA World I am back and ready to get busy. I had to cancel WA for a while then I thought I would not come back just then Kyle & Carson made me an offer I could not refuse. So here I am hoping to make this work this time. Will be getting started this week end and will post my progress here for you to read over, most importantly to try to keep myself focused and committed. Glad to be back. Hope to talk to all of you soon, Rick
I have been working on a WP blog, I would like to have a few people review and proof read my work. I do not have any one to help my proof read it and English is not my 1st language.   Be nice, I am not very creative either. Most of what have up is re-written from what WP Blog and Funnel have. Main concern is it read original enough? Does it make since and easy to follow?  Thanks   Rick  
June 25, 2010
I started this week with WA. I was with another program much like this one, they have good training and videos but zero tech support.  It was much less cheaper than WA. But I hope I get what I paid for here. I like the way this program is laid out and hoping the content is of substance and not just fluff.  I am just finished with my 2nd lesson, a little slow. Things I have started or done so far: Emailed my friends about WA affiliate program Posted a video on youtube Created a squeez
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