About Enterprise
Joined June 2009
To start with I didn't have a picture of myself on my computer so I posting an avatar of me and my dog Buddy. I recently downloaded pictures of me, my wife, and my two girls. I am a contractor specializing in high end stairways,(the picture to the left is one of the stairways that I built) cabinetry, and trim work. Since the building industry has fallen flat on its face work has been scarce. So like most of us I have turned to the internet to try to market a health product that I got involved with to supplement my income. I started taking this product over six months ago because of all of the stress that I was under. I was constantly getting sick. A friend of mine suggested that I start taking a product called Immunocal, They told me that it would help build up my immunity to fight off whatever it was that was constantly making me sick. I tried it and haven't been sick ever since. I thought that this was amazing so I bought a distributorship and started my new job. Now I need to learn how to market it that is why I am here. Now I am just boring you so I will shut up about all of that.

About myself, I have a wife and two beautiful daughters. They keep me busy. Both still at home all tho my oldest, I hope she figures out what she wants to do with her life, she is driving me crazy. Teenagers say no more. My youngest wants to be a beautician, she is real good with eye makeup. She gets compliments on her eyes all of the time. Rite now my wife is the bread winner and I am trying to make a go at this internet marketing. I am learning alot and making new friends.
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enterprise Premium
Hi my name is Jack from Tucson AZ I am new to this I hope to make new friends. I have been up all night and better get some sleep
enterprise Premium
Just got back from Disney Land. It was nice there. I haven't taken a vacation in years. I got to have a picnic on the beach with my wife and two girls. It was fun, now I need to get down to business.
enterprise Premium
Just set up a new web site. Check it out and give me your input. How to improve it or whatever
enterprise Premium
I just lost all of my Icons and pictures how can i get them back. I get this error message 'https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/system/application/wasp/15812/1244536850.png' failed to load. Someone Please help
enterprise Premium
I cant message anyone without their picture icon to click on. I hope Kyle or Carson see my plea for HELP and can fix this problem for me.
enterprise Premium
Still dead in the water. Its like flying blind without having any icons or pictures to look at. I can only communicate to all of my new buddies this way. If you see this just say hi
enterprise Premium
Woo Hoo, I just figured out how to get my Icons and Pictures back. Now I can get back to my studies. Thank you to everyone that was there with their suggestions. Now I'm back in the game.
enterprise Premium
Just got my internet back and running. Behind schedule and it is late and I better get to bed and start over tomorrow.
enterprise Premium
Pulled an all niter and wrote my first Squidoo Lens. I enjoyed doing it, It was a way to release some feelings that I have been dealing with. Please feel free to visit my space and check it out and tell me what you thing. I want you to be honest too. If it needs work please tell me. I can take it
Pryzym Premium
Welcome, Jack!
How hot is it in Tucson right now?? I used to live in Scottsdale so I know about the heat.
Pryzym Premium
Welcome back from Disneyland!
Now get to work! lol
Pryzym Premium
Wow! Something screwy going on with your WA? Are you still having problems?
Have you tried the old "reboot the 'puter" method?
enterprise Premium
Hi Pryzym, I just got back from Disney Land and found your welcome post. It was nice in LA . Got to go to the beach for a picnic with the family. I added you to my buddy list if that is ok with you. I am new to this online business stuff and still working out the kinks. I have been in the building industry for over 30 years and this is all new to me. well i got to go. Oh the weather Is hot in Tucson I was working in Scottsdale area before I was laid off in January and it was hotter there. Talk to you later.
enterprise Premium
Hi Pryzym, I got to work like you said and I am learning so much I had to take a break. 3 lessons under my belt but I will have to review the last one about writing articles to promote my web sit. I don't get the connection yet but maby I am trying to do too much at once. Feel free to visit my space and say hi any time. Thank you for your support. Jack B