
Last Update: September 17, 2009

So far I've been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for almost 2 weeks and I've done almost nothing to get my first website up and running.  I guess I was just getting tired of all the reading that was required and took a little time off.  It wasn't that it was overwhelming or anything, I was just getting too distracted with reading all those forum posts and checking out other people's websites which slowed me down a great deal.  This time around I'll be a lot more focused and read as much as I can to get my first campaign going to tonight.  

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magistudio Premium
Try not to get discouraged, as your reading and looking at other people's site only improve your skills.

In regards to your first campaign, make sure you have an idea as to what you want to market - once you make that decision:
1. build a site (wordpress blog is always good)
2. write articles to place on squidoo or an article directory
3. let people know about your articles by social bookmarking them

It's a start in the right direction.