Gah!!! So many things to buy!

Last Update: July 16, 2010

Geez, I totally understand why the IM business is HUGE. It's because people like me...

 I have something to admit though...

 I'm a shopping addict!

 First it was IM products. I got seduced into the next big product or system, and I must say that I actually chose pretty good products. Most of them didn't provide long-term business advice or techniques, but some did give solid knowledge and tricks of the trade.

 Now it's a different story though. It's IM services. I'm subscribed to backlink packets, I have SENuke, I have an article service, the list goes on and on. I really do have trouble resisting! Damn those copywriters!

 It's an EPIDEMIC!

 Anyways, I've seen the err of my ways and I've started to invest in only what I need, although I do get carried away from time to time. I'm just wondering, who else has this same problem as me, or has once had it? 

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erussell Premium
Yeah, I've vowed not to buy anything (except domains if I spot a good/great opportunity) until I start making money from one project. Yarddog, good luck! I'm sure you'll be covering them very soon if you work hard!
jatdebeaune Premium
The difficulty I've experienced is how can you apply everything you learn from your shiny acquisitions. It becomes information overload. I used to buy so much, that I forgot about it before I could use it. Now I buy only what I am totally sure I will use. This applies to free information too.
yarddog Premium
Erussel, I definitely know the feeling.Its the "Shiny object Syndrome!" or the " Grass is greener on the other side epidemic." When I lose my focus my eyes start roaming or in internet lingo "Browsing"
This is my second trip in the affiliate marketing,first with WA and I have to grit my teeth and click of these new found discoveries that will make me rich.
One of my goals this time around is to cover my WA fees and domain costs with my earnings
wish me luck! LOL