About Eugn23
Joined June 2010
Name is Eugene and I've been in and out of the Internet Marketing game for about 8 months now. I was a member here earlier but, like many, just didn't have it in me to really follow through with what was taught here.

Well, now I'm back, I have a definite goal and plan set (unlike last time, when I felt it wasn't important...boy was I wrong!). I finally have a good budget to work with and will be pursuing this with a fresh mind.

As for me personally, I used to live in Brooklyn, NY and am now in NJ. I've worked in marketing/sales related positions before and definitely have a feel and interest in these areas.

I've traveled to Thailand twice in the past 2 years for a total of 6 months, after having gone there to travel for 3 months after graduating college in '08. If anyone needs any tips on traveling in Phuket (the island) let me kow! : )

Looking forward to working and interacting with you guys, and if you're around the nyc/nj area, let me know.
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jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Eugene, Thank you for the buddy add. Look forward to getting to know you here. All the best to you.
Fanciadance Premium
Hi Mate. Thanks for adding me. I'm a Brit through and through but living over in Hong Kong. I have been affiliate marketing since March 2010 but my focus is on Article Marketing and SEO. I would love to do PPC too but each time I tried I just got the big GS. Decided to stick with the article marketing as get up to 150 visitors a day now and pretty much make sales everyday. Just gotta scale my campaign now and increase traffic.

Anyway, welcome back. I have to be honest, I don't think I could ever do without WA. It has taught me so much and just the tools it offers are worth their weight in gold. In the short time I have been with WA there have been so many developments too.
Eugn23 Premium
Yea Francia I always knew I would return to WA because the help and training here I felt was just too good. Its really good that you're able to drive so many visitors with article marketing. Any tips you have that would help to not get the GS? Being new to this it worries me a little that I have think about these things...
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
babyboomer20 Premium
Eugene, Hi there, A very warm Welcome to you. Congratulations on taking another step to "Owning Your Life". Wishing YOU All the Best in your LEARNING to EARN!! Would it be OK if I added you to my Buddy List? I'd like to be your friend... Please feel free to add me. Marty : )
Eugn23 Premium
Of course you can Marty : ) And thank you.
Eugn23 Premium
How to make this short and interesting?

I'm Eugene, used to live in NYC but now in NJ.

I've worked with web analytics/conversion optimization recently, and have been learning more and more about internet marketing during the past year.

I love to travel....been all over Europe, and more recently a 3 month trip to Thailand with a friend.

I love playing basketball, tennis, training mma, and watching mma especially...and when I have time, going out to the city.

I really think this community is set up to help even newbies like myself, but I do feel I'll have a lot to offersince I like absorb myself in new opportunities and I'm not afraid to fail.

Hope to join you guys in the adventure and read some good blog posts!
