[Pre-Launch] INSANE-LY $3.99 For 700 High PR Backlinks - No Holds BARRED!

Last Update: October 05, 2010

This service is highly dedicated to people who have been wanting high rankings in Google without having to fork out SO much money just to experience a BIG hole in their pockets without much returns on initial investment. This is not a software, this is not an ebook, this is not an audio/video, this is not a backlink package. This is just a friendly service - the set and forget system for you!

Presenting to you . . .

"The Ingenius Technology That Will Help You BOOST YOUR GOOGLE RANKINGS Even With the Most Brutal Competition You May Encounter In the Search Engines!
FORGET the Competition. BE the Competition."

Dear most respected Wealthy Affiliate Members,

My name is eusof and i am not new in Wealthy Affiliate. I would like to firstly make a disclaimer that i am NO Guru in SEO or an Expert for that matter. I am just a normal guy next door and a person who is an avid practitioner of SEO for the past recent years.

I have been trying to understand the customers in the SEO market, and this is what i've found out:
  1. SEO service is too expensive
  2. It takes so long to get results
  3. Service providers give false hope about rankings
  4. Gurus & Experts tell grandmother stories of how you get can high rankings by doing enormous amounts of work (which is not true).
  5. They make you go in circles and circles, and wear you out until you give up.
  6. Gurus & Experts claim that getting high pr backlinks is the way to go. But they never tell you that, you need to get front page postings of the high pr domain to gain the power of the backlinks.
  7. There isn't much effect if your backlinks are not posted on the page with high page rank. It doesn't work as great, when your backlink is in the deeper pages of a high pr domain but has zero page rank in the inner pages.
  8. To be just, consumers of a seo service would have to take the blame (or responsibility) as well. We expect too much without knowing what we are confronting. (This is not surprising since service providers charge enormous amounts of green notes for little or no effect with keyword rankings.)
  9. We also have little knowledge about seo that we are unable to clarify our expectations with the seo provider.
  10. And one of the most important factor is the fact that we are not able to sustain the seo service as our r.o.i. is negligible or not even breaking even.
Another disclaimer: I am very much aware that they are many schools of thoughts in the SEO world. So, i might be wrong in my some of my statements - although i do hope i am right most of the time. However, nonetheless i tell you the truth about the methods and techniques that i practised. Once again, i am a practitioner and i am no teacher in this field.

With the above claims, i feel and understand the both sides of the coin. As much as i know r.o.i. is important to buyers as well as cashflow is important to seo providers to run their service, i have came out with this Crazy, Unbeatable Offer in the HISTORY OF WEALTHY AFFILIATE FORUM. (Well, at least from what i know. )

Cut the Crap EUSOF! Just Tell Me What Do You Have On the Table?!

(Hey, no need to be angry. Chill dude. I'm revealing it now!) Okay, here is what i have in mind and this is what my team and i will be executing for you.

We have come out with a system that works for us. It is not something new or it is something obsolete & irrelevant. I must say that what we do is going to bore you to death. BUT the results will keep you awake day & night.

Yeah yeah yeah... (Here comes the boring part) It is just the normal link building using the 'what-we-all-know' the article marketing technique.

What makes us different is that:
  • We create backlinks for you with FRONT PAGE posting of high pr sites
  • These high pr sites are above PR 2 and up to PR 6
  • We add tremendous value in what we do in terms of results and delivery
  • We inspire trust in people and in dealings so that people gain confidence in our work as well as customer satisfaction for quality work.
  • We are upfront to you and will not tell you 'white lies' just for you to engage us.
  • We will tell you what we can do and what we can't do. NO B*^*S^*^!
  • Unlike most service that guarantees you for your rankings or 100% money back. We do not do that. Because in actual fact NO ONE can guarantee you anything. You'll never know if one's business go bust or one dies the day after. am i right?
  • So we are dead damn honest and we uphold integrity in what we do.
DO NOT Take My Word For It! Let the Results Speak For Itself.

Need more ranking proof? See here.
Who is eusof? Need social proof? See here.

Enough Said, Here's the UNBELIEVABLE News For You . . .

I am letting the door open to early birds at a unthinkable price. Before we go there, every month you will be getting an astonishingly:

700 High PR Front Page Backlinks

Here's a little bit more details:
  • More than 15 PR5 sites
  • More than 11 PR4 sites
  • More than 13 PR3 sites
  • More than 5 PR2 sites
  • More than 7 PR1 sites
  • More than 100 diversed sites
  • Front page postings!
  • You will be given 10 keywords/urls choice
  • A URL report will be given only upon request

First 3 Lucky Chaps, Get this monthly service at

1 - 3 Wealthy Affiliate Members : $3.00 (SOLD OUT FAST)

4 - 6 Wealthy Affiliate Members : $ 7

7 - 9 Wealthy Affiliate Members : $ 17

10 - 12 Wealthy Affiliate Members : $ 27

13 - 18 
Wealthy Affiliate Members : $ 37

19 - 21 
Wealthy Affiliate Members : $ 47

22 - 24 
Wealthy Affiliate Members : $ 57

25 - 28 
Wealthy Affiliate Members : $ 67

From the 29th buyer onwards, the price will cap off at $77 for a limited time only. So, don't say i didn't warn you...Get it now while you can.

While i am getting back my sanity over this crazy deal, grab your slot now before anyone else have it! Oh yes, you may unsubscribe the service anytime. I'd be happy to welcome you in and see you go for whatever reasons. (unconditional love)

*Note: First 12 buyers will have to agree to give me a review on this service. Thank you in advance!*

Here's a little bit more details:
  • You will be given 10 keywords/urls
  • A URL report will be given only upon request

(Sadly, this is the only testimonial i have. More will come!)

(adding in...)

Case Studies

(in the near future...)

All Rights Reserved
I reserve the right to not answer any questions not directly pertaining to my service. I reserve the rights to focus on sales question rather than technical questions on how i do it. I reserve the rights to accept or decline any buyers or sites that they are promoting. I reserve the rights to change any terms and price without prior notice. I reserve the rights to ignore anyone who violates trust in this thread.
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eusof.singapore Premium
email me... at ask@eusof.com. :)
Will_W Premium
nuff said... where do i sign