There are bad habits and then there are really good habits!

Last Update: February 09, 2011

They say that you need to do something 21 times for it to become a habit. Well I'm on day 23 of the latest WA Article Marketing club and this is one habit I never want to break. I have learnt so much in such a short time and I know being a part of this club has given me the solid  foundation to build a successful business.  I have had so many good work habits instilled in me.

- having a daily schedule and sticking to it

- writing something every day -articles, a post, a page

- submitting articles..and having them published  - the thrill I got when my very first article was published -I wont forget. Ezine now calls me an 'expert' author How about that! Who would have thought!

- researching & adding new keywords to my growing list

- doing backlinks, backlinks, backlinks.......

- really getting to understand my site, how important it is to set it up right

The list goes on.

I guess the one really great habit I've acquired is to TAKE ACTION. Do the work and success will come.

Back to work - just a week of the WA club left -I'm going to miss it but Im just going to pretend Im still in it when its over -  & keep using those really good habits I've learnt.







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Labman_1 Premium
Is learnting anything like learning? I'm gonna miss the club too. Awesome what we've learnt ain't it.