Happy New Year To All Of You WAers!

Last Update: December 29, 2010

I wanted to wish a very happy New Year to all of you.  More times than not at this time of the year people just utter this phrase without really meaning it.  They just say, happy New Year but, how much do they really mean it?

Well, as I was meditating on this, I wanted to make sure I meant it.  I really wish that all the new members who are putting their trust in WA and sharing their new challenges, actions and first successes will really succeed at what they do.

I read an EBook written by a successful internet marketer recently, who said that success in internet marketing doesn’t have to happen by chance.  It can be totally controlled and planned by following the right steps and being persistent.

I think this is so well said and so true.

Many new marketers are making the mistake to want results and money now because they are very tight and need fast income.  Unfortunately, real success doesn’t happen that way.

Don’t treat your internet marketing business as a quick money making, but rather as a long term income and you will have better chances of success.

And let’s talk about persistence. Oh gosh! I wouldn’t even have made it to WA almost 3 years ago if I had not mentally decided that I wasn’t going to quit.  I had made tons of mistakes, spent a lot of money and still didn’t know much about anything.  But, as my mother has told me many times while growing up I am very stubborn.  It really served me for my online business.

One thing that I came to understand also over the few years that I have been involved with internet marketing is that if you are in for the big money you need to prepare yourself “mentally”.  Money doesn’t come easy to “broke” minds.  It’s just impossible. It took me about three years to fully understand this.  It’s only when I succeeded in changing by “broke thoughts” to “rich thoughts” that the money started coming in. 

I couldn’t emphasis this enough!

So, if you feel that you are doing everything right and you are still not making money with your online biz, check what your deep beliefs about money really are.  What does your subconscious mind tells you?

If you have no idea what I am talking about, then you need to dig in and find out more.

When you finally put all the dots together by taking the right actions, using the right tools, persisting in your efforts and making sure your mind is right about money, it will start to flow like a mad river.

It is my wish that all of you here and especially the new ones who have not yet seen success will make this year a great successful one like none other before.

Very Happy New Year to all of you WAers!


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goshenlady Premium
Thanks for the great encouragement. Indeed mind set is everything and I will make sure I treat this as a business and some get rich quick scheme. I will also make sure I work on my persistence.
thanks again.
Hazie Premium
Thanks so much, and Merci, too. You focused on the practical strategies as well as the mental attitude for success in a short post. Great piece. Very helpful. Appreciate it. Hope you have a wonderful New Year and stay clear of the snow storm.
Louise M. Premium
Merci Sylviane! I love what you say and I know how true it is. I'm working in that. :) Have a very happy new year, I wish you all the best and thank you again for what you bring to this community :)
Labman_1 Premium
I agree with Joan. Thanks for all your help over the last few months with me. Wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year.
jatdebeaune Premium
And to you too Sylviane, a very Happy New Year! Thank you for all you have given to all of us.