Should you link your article to your own site or to your merchant's page?
I receive lots of questions on a daily basis regarding article writing or article marketing. I have noticed that one question has come back several times recently, so I thought I would answer it on this blog for every one to see.
Should I link my article to my own site or to the sales page?
When you are starting you IM business you need to understand that whatever you are building and creating should serve YOU first of all.
Every time that you are writing an article and linking it to a site, you are giving a backlink to that site. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to spend my time and energy creating backlinks for someone else.
What do backlinks do to your website? Backlinks is what will give more backbone for your site and help your ranking over time. So, YES, you want to create those backlinks for YOUR OWN website, rather than your merchant's page.
Another VERY IMPORTANT reason why you would want to link your own site to your articles is because if the merchant decides not to sell the product anymore, or if YOU decide that you don't want to promote that product anymore, you wouldn't have written all those articles to go to waste. All you would have to do is replace that product with another from the same niche. That's all!
This is why it is so important to write your articles more about your niche, and NOT so much about a specific product. So, when you change product for any reason, your articles will still fit the product your are selling in the resource box.
Products come and go; your articles and your site(s) are here to stay as long as you want them to. So, make sure you are working hard with long term results in mind, not just a product that might eventually fade away.
Create your website. Nowadays you can create your own website or blog for free. Once you've done that, choose a niche and link a product or two in that niche on your site. Then, ALWAYS link your site to your articles and posts. Over time your site will get some authority on Google and rank high.
Once your product is long gone, you site could be ranking on first page of Google for a very long time.