Creativity taught away

Last Update: July 02, 2011

Read an interesting article that a friend of mine posted on Facebook a little while back about how kids lives today (as far as I am concerned, it started 45 years ago when I started school) are so structured that they have no time to do anything but what they are told to do. Article link is posted below. -of-the-innovation-mom/

Worse yet is that they are also taught not "how" to think but "what" to think. 

Anne-Marie Slaughter, author talks about how innovation requires creativity and with highly structured lives being led/taught to our kids that their creativity is gone. Worse yet is that for kids today that, like me, (and still do!) sit and daydream, they can be punished for not doing what they "should" be doing.

Take a read through this piece. It is a quick read and, to me, establishes that those here at WA and, those like us, are the ones that will take hold of the future.

Have a great Independence Day (4th of July) weekend folks!

Best, Paul

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jatdebeaune Premium
I so agree. It's true now even more than when I was a kid. Every minute is filled up with events that are supposed to produce a well rounded individual, perfectly programmed to conform. No breathing room. And you need to day dream. I remember being punished for doodling in my notebook in school. I made caricatures of my teachers. Bad move. Schools are like factories. Every kid is special, but they are treated like they should be collectively,"one person". Education should be designed to showcase that specialness and maximize it. I love the Anne Marie Slaughter article too. Thank you for this great post.