Singapore Celebrates 45th National Day on Monday, 9 Aug 2010

Last Update: August 06, 2010

‘Live our Dreams, Fly our Flag.’   This is the theme for this year Singapore National Day Celebration.  You can see Singapore flag flying all over the country. From cars, lamp posts, buildings, etc.  What a joyous event and seeing Singapore’s economy recovering quickly from the recent financial meltdown.

I join WA with a dream to embark on Internet Marketing as my next career change.  How to make this dream comes true?  Learn and take action!  That’s what being emphasized.  It’s two months of learning now and is still learning.  For Newbies, it’s an uphill task.  I’d climbed mountains before during my military days. (Able male Singaporeans have to do compulsory military service). Tough at climbing stage but the sight was beautiful from the peak.  A few days later, I‘d to go down the valley to climb the next higher mountain for another mission...the next one required more perseverance.  It’s part of training of endurance.  Similarly, I need to persevere in learning Internet Marketing in WA.  Occasionally, feel like giving up…it’s my human tendencies.  Without buddies surrounding and encouraging one other, I don’t think I could make it.

Does WA has a flag for me to fly?  I gonna fly it high when I achieve my dream to tell others that Internet Marketing is my career and I'm earning good income from it.


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jatdebeaune Premium
Hey, that's an idea George. Maybe we should have a flag, the country or the club is IM. Not kidding. Could give IM'ers great pride in their craft and a symbol to carry on, even when the going gets rough. Happy Singapore National Day!