Singapore Orchard Road Shopping District Flooded

Last Update: June 17, 2010

Wow! Orchard Road in Singapore had turned into ‘Orchard River’ on Wed, 16 Jun 2010 in the morning heavy downpour.  The flood was due to the blockage of drainage system by debris as confirmed by our Public Utilities Board investigations the day after.  The last time it happened was about 25 years ago.  During that morning,  I was travelling round Singapore roads to do some errands.  I would have been caught in the flood and had my car stalled.  My car was travelling along other stretch of roads where the water level was not too deep.  If not for the warnings over the radio announcements and the electronic road signs display telling motorists to avoid Orchard Road due to flooding, many cars would have been caught in the flood also.

What can we learn from this flooding incident in regards to Internet Marketing?

1)  The whole world is informed about your problems through the internet.  We cannot be complacent.  We need to be prepared.  The flood of problems may reappear unexpectedly.

2) We must do regular maintenance of our systems to avoid built up of debris to choke it.

3) Share and warn others in the community of problems ahead as part of ‘Pay It Forward’ attitude to bless others.

It was stressful to drive that morning with poor visibility and crawling traffic due to the intense rain.  What a relief when I reached home safely to have a nice lunch.


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