What I learned for the last two weeks since joining WA

Last Update: June 21, 2010

First things first as advised by many members in the community.  Before starting, have a pen and a book to record down what have been learned.  Manage your time wisely.  Set goals. Learn at your comfortable pace.  So, I did.

I have been through lesson one to four.  I do not agree with the first lesson suggestion to earn some income by recommending WA to friends and relatives.  I think is still too early as I have not built up my credibility.  I have asked my spouse.  Her immediate reply, ‘Please show your track record of income to convince me.”  I think this is logical.  How to show it when I just started?  There are so many scams in the internet arena that frighten many people.  Therefore, I need to work hard first to have some track records of income.

There are so many things to learn in WA. After two weeks, there are still many areas to be covered.  The first I time I wrote on my WA blog, my contents just vanished after I submitted.  I did not know what happened.  I dislike re-doing things.  Now, I type my contents using Microsoft Word first, then copy it and insert in the blog.

I still have not decided to use Wordpress or Google Blogger to create my blog as Blogger is popularly used by Singaporeans.  Based on internet reviews, it seems that Wordpress features are superior to Blogger.  But due to marketing hype or perception that adsense belonging to Google, Blogger is ahead of popularity.

Also, I have not decided which niche or products to promote.  One of the lessons advises to choose a niche that is relevant to your passion.  My passion is magic as it is my hobby since young but I am not a professional magician. I enjoy performing close-up magic to friends.

I hope to make all pending decisions by early July 2010.  When I do things, I always aim to do it right the first time.


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