About Fhood
Joined May 2009
Hi Everyone,
Just reinlisted and looking forward to learning more about IM and hopefully make a few friends along the way.

Did door to door sales for last 6 yrs.

Love to Metal Detect on the Beach, and do a little fishing occasionly.

Have some very good Metal detecting finds I will share with you later if you are instered.

For now I want to get my head on straight and buckel down and try to learn all i can and get a little IM business going.

Any and all seggestions will be appreciated.
Fhood's Accomplishments

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fhood Premium
I would like your openion on a website i am working on about the jewelry busines.
I have lots of experience in the jewelry business and would like to share it with some interested persons, think anyone is interested in getting into the jewelry business?
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
fhood Premium
I hope I didn't offend you i was refering to these buy it now , or closing down soon type emails.
would like to read a good email or two instead of these hype types.
Getting involved with IM and spending time learning more about marketing etc.
easyrider Premium
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Well this is how I think, it's not how many times you fall it's how many times you get up so welcome back to WA. I'm a beginner here have done sales as well and think belonging to a community of help will help you get your head on straight and as you say buckle down. We all need to do that, I hope you'll become a buddy and ask for help if you need it.
fhood Premium
Thanks for stopping by.
I have spent more time reading these junk emails than i have been working on my own projects.
How do you cope with all these emails?
Boy they sure take up alot of time if you read them all.
I am trying to stay focus but itI gets pretty hard.
Thanks for coming by, looking forward to hearing from you.
fhood Premium
Hi, I just joined WA and am looking forward to learning about internet marketing.
I'm and old guy wanting to learn a new way to supplement my income. I now sell Security Systems door to door and would like to get out of that business. I can get around on the internet a little and I find it very exciting.