About Firstmate
Joined August 2008

My name is Laurie.

I've been a real estate agent since 1997.
I'm excited about my new IM career.

I live in the Dallas, Texas area.

In addition to spending time with family and friends, I am passionate about my two Brusells Griffons (pic attached), motorcycle riding, boating and cooking.

I look forward to making friends in the WA community and welcome the opportunity share IM ideas and experiences.

Hope to hear from you soon!

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dacoal72 Premium
Hi Laurie

Just dropping in to say hello, Im new here so just wanted to get around and say hello to a few of the members.

dacoal72 Premium
Hi Laurie
My two kids, well Leonidas is a English Bulldog and he is a handfull, Trooper is a Lab Pitbull mix that acts like the cowardly lion in the wizzard of oz....
dacoal72 Premium
Hi Laurie

Great looking dogs, not sure how you got them to stay but its a great picture. I Just put up a couple of pictures of my boys if you like to see them..

firstmate Premium
Hey Daniel,

Welcome to WA. Guess we'll be going through the 8 week training program together! I'm a newbie too, this is my first week. So far so good......................... just a lot of information to sort through. Anyway, thanks for stopping by my WA space; let's keep in touch!
PS. What kind of dogs do you have
firstmate Premium
Hey Daniel,
We have two kids at home too, check out their pic on my WA space if you get a chance. Mulligan sounds like your Trooper-he's very timid and scared of his own shadow. Sharkey on the otherhand is our little spitfire - it's all about him don't ya' know! Have a great evening. Laurie
firstmate Premium
Ahhhhh................Daniel, your boys are beautiful! Their looks match the personalities you described. Leonidas has a mischievious look about him and Trooper looks like a real sweetie. As for the pic of my boys, I'd love to take credit for them being still but in truth, a pet photographer took it, she was great (and she ran me out of the room so they'd be still). How are you doing on WAU? Lots to learn right? Have a great day, Laurie
good fortune Premium
Hello and Welcome Laurie! You will be inspired by the 8 Week Action Plan. I'm starting my fifth week and beginning to write articles. Wishing you all the best and success with WA.
firstmate Premium
Thank you so much for the welcome and inspiration.
Let's keep in touch!
guitar fire Premium
Hi Laurie,
Welcome to WA! I hope you find great success and many friends here. It is a safe and wonderful place to be for learning IM. I tried so many programs before that all turned out to be a let down.
I have a son in Real Estate here in Wash. and the business has really been low lately. I hope it is better for you there in Texas.
Wising you great success,
Guitar fire'
guitar fire Premium
Hi laurie thanks for writing back some don't and being the social creature that I am it's a bummer. isn't this place fabulous? Surely the best place of it's kind. Guitar playing would be in the realm of possibility for you as it is a cupcake compared to learning all WA has to offer.
To your success,
Guitar fire,Sandi
guitar fire Premium
roger that and backatcha Laurie! Maybe they can give ma a little corner of WA to teach guitar. Your dogs are so cute
I have a short haired exotic Persian and he is such a cuty and so much fun.
guitar fire Premium
Hi Laurie..how are you doing? Your web site is great. My son started with ReMax and it was a great place to learn his trade. Out here he is experiencing the need to really cut commissions significantly the business is pretty slow.
You are probably breezing right through the 8 week course. Me, not so much. I am bogged down on week 4.
Great success to you,
Guitar fire,
guitar fire Premium
Hi Laurie I'm sure you will sail right through the 8 week course and I hope all goes well for you and your plans for Im. My biggest problem is focusing when the going gets tough. i think of a million things,I know how to do, that need doing. Anyway To your continued success,
firstmate Premium
Hi Sandi,
Thanks for the welcome message. Real estate is slow here in Texas too. Way to go on your guitar playing! I've tried a few times over the past several years to learn but I guess its hard to "teach an old dog new tricks"!
Have a great day.
firstmate Premium
You might just be right about that cupcake! Surely the guitar can't be as difficult as this to learn!! haha
Have a great evening.
firstmate Premium
Now maybe there's idea there for income online for you! Maybe an e-instructional to learn to play the guitar............... Just a thought. Have a great day.
firstmate Premium
Hey Sandi,
Real estate is slow here too. Good luck on week 4..................I'm starting week 2 today!
Have a great day.
TJ Books Premium
I welcome you to WA! This is where you Learn to Earn. It is a great community and I'm sure you will love it.

John T. Jones, Ph.D.
TJ Books Premium
Well, the message is still there below this one. I guess you looked on your new messages instead of on your "My Profile" page.
TJ Books Premium
Nobody's prefict. We all make mistrakes adn orrers.

And you don't look silly to me.

firstmate Premium
Hello TJ,

I received an email notification that I had a message from you. However, I can't find it. I looked in WA Forum and my email box. If you did send me a message please resend. Thanks a million,

Hey Laurie,

TJ Books just left you a message on your WA Space. Go to https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/ to log into WA and check it out.


Kyle & Carson
The Wealthy Affiliates
firstmate Premium
Thanks a million!
Okay, now I'm feeling pretty silly............... You're right, I checked every other place possible, but didn't check "My Profile" until you suggested it. Now I know. Anyway, thanks for the welcome message. I'm looking forward to my new IM experience, can't wait to learn, learn, learn so I can get started! Have a great day!
Thanks again for your help,