Scam Free Zone!

Last Update: April 13, 2010

I just looked at my Face Book and it saddens me every time I look at a post about someone's great business opportunity  that just had "8000 sign ups in 1 day" or touting that a business is "no work, no effort and you make millions in 30 days".    Granted you may get a check or two, but don't you just wonder about the solidity and validity of a business proposal that promises something for nothing?   Will that check keep coming?  

 Don't you wonder about the company that is talking about the large number of its new affiliates in one breath and  then, in the next breath, talks about how it is planning a new "brick and mortar store near you"?  Why, oh why, would this company still need an affiliate sales force?  Do you really honestly believe that a person will buy from you, the affiliate, instead of the company (which you helped launch) at its brick and mortar store?  I mean, really?!  Do you realize that you, as the affiliate, will have as your biggest competition, the very same company that you are working for?  The company profits either way.  How about you? 

Don't get me wrong.  I'm all about home based business,network marketing, affiliate marketing, etc.   (I'm with a great company and if you want to know more, just ask me via message)!  Whatever floats your boat!   But, be smart.  Do your research.  Does the company or opportunity pass the smell test.  There are so many companies and new launches out there that don't pass the test.  They say all the right words but there is no substance behind those words.  Somebody will get rich, but you can bet your bottom dollar  that it won't be the associate who is hustling and recruiting any friend or family member who doesn't see them first.

  I want to hit the opportunity jackpot as much as the next guy but really, some of the stuff I keep seeing being posted is so outrageous that it makes me laugh out loud.  I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings but just look at the companies that built their profits on the backs of affiliates and then became their competition or just stopped sending checks.   Think Excel.  And, there are many, many others.

All I'm saying is, research you opportunity.  Be smart and  be vigilant!  There are lots of resources (many of them FREE) that can help you find the right, scam free opportunity for you.

Would love to hear how you feel about this topic.  Is it bothering you too?  Or, am I the only one.  Send me a message and we'll talk. 

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jatdebeaune Premium
Forkintheroad, I feel numb just thinking about it. When I started this IM journey, I was only interested in finding the loose string that unravels the ball of yarn, and not trying to get rich overnight. I am of the belief that it sometimes takes money to make money, so I forked out quite a lot. The worst part is that the scammers wasted my time. I wasted my own time by being naiive. Grateful to finally be learning the truth of things. The truth does set you free.