So what's new and where do I go?

Last Update: May 01, 2012

I believe that there's money - big money - to be made from marketing, but I am truly frustrated by all the contradictory advice and overwhelming number of shiny objects available.  I've looked at and bought tons of WSOs and super-special offers on the Net that are all supposed to lead to that money-making breakthrough, but so far I haven't felt comfortable with any of them.

I just want to say that my mind is engineering/scientifically oriented, but I also love people and helping and "McGyver-ing" solutions.  I'm a hell of a troubleshooter and it is immensely frustrating to me because I can't seem to filter out the noise from the real data here.

The local marketing idea appeals to me because I know that there are people in the local community who need what I can do, and in fact that's the only place that I've made any money in the last 3 years.  However, I'm AWFUL at cold calling, either on the phone or in a business.

Online, I've looked at Clickbank, Amazon, Squidoo, Commission Junction, and many other places as ways to do affiliate marketing.  I've written a book and tried getting it published.  I have no idea how many little bits of information I have from online courses, some free and some paid.  Much of the information is reasonable within the context of the course, but absolutely contradictory compared to other courses.  For example, some of them say choose a Clickbank product with the most gravity possible.  Others say don't try for anything with a gravity over 30. 

The same sort of thing happens when talking about competition. Some say go into competitive arenas because they are obviously where customers are buying.  Others say don't go into competitive arenas because you'll never stand out enough. YAAAARRGH! (h/t to Howard Dean!)

On top of all that, I have found that people are still selling products that no longer work because of Google slaps or whatever.

So, I'm looking forward to OEP in the hope that finally, finally there will be a clear path for me to follow.

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do you really make money from this site?
fortune_smiles Premium
From what I understand, yes, you can make money from the site, by inviting others to join and by doing Projects for others, but the real focus is for you to *learn* how to make money from your own sites and campaigns.
Carson Premium
yes i want to know how this work too? i am super new to this site!
spiritwriter Premium
I'm new here, can someone tell me how I invite someone?
Carson Premium
fortune_smiles Premium
On the top bar of the site there's a place where it says "0 invited", assuming you haven't yet invited someone. Mouse over that and you'll see a "Referral Details Here" link. Click on that and it should give you your affiliate link and have a number of links to training materials on this.
fisheagle Premium
Go to your Main Menu, look down the list of Headings to the one that says Share Wealthy Affiliate, click on it and it will take you to your affiliate page, you should see a blue underlined affiliate link at the top of the page

Copy that link and place it in your posts and communication about WA, if people click on that it counts as an invite.

Carson Premium
fortune_smiles Premium
Thanks for your comments!

I have largely cut those other ties and will probably, reluctantly, cut the rest. Some of those are to people who are here too, and I hope to follow them here.

As I said, the only money that I've made has been through local marketing (of websites, specifically), but it seems to me that it's likely to be more profitable in the short term but require more work to maintain a good income down the road. Internet Marketing, by contrast, seems a much slower start and then, assuming Google/Amazon/whoever stays stable, a continued passive income that can leverage repeat business.

I need to do something soon, which pulls me toward local, but I'd like to do just enough to get by and focus on a long-term online solution.
Carson Premium
oh its so frustrating for me to i have tried so many marketing campaign pages and none of them worked from paypal ways to make money to ways to make money advertising other sites, to yahoo marketing, so many and i just want to find one thats easy for me to set up as a single mother who has to stay at home right now. something i can do easily within few hours and have it up and running making money on it within a week you know, is theres anything out there thats for real and not some marketing scam.
fortune_smiles Premium
Angelastar, I can't see your profile so I don't know how long you've been here. I'm working with the 30 day program and going through the back Wabinars, which include some quick start suggestions. Maybe you've already done that, but if not, that sounds like a good place for you to start... I've also done the "less than a week" deals without finding any that worked. (And I could certainly use that short a time frame too!)

I'm also hoping that maybe I can find some of the Projects that will be worth something for me, as soon as it opens up again.
fisheagle Premium
Hi there! I don't think that there are any legitimate ways that you can be making money within a week, although PotPieGirl - Jennifer, who is also a member here at WA has the One Week Marketing Plan, probably the most honest and truthful program promising results in the shortest time have a look here

Yea, That is an affiliate link, otherwise just look up

Probably your best bet in terms of a program promising rapid results, just remember to follow the program through!

Best Wishes