Hello everyone! Welcome to my world! :)

Last Update: January 31, 2011

Hi there! 

This is my first blog post, just wanted to say Hi! and let you know how I've been getting on so far! As you can see from my photo, I am a teeny bit technically challenged at the mo, but that is something I am working very hard on! 

I've decided to leave my photo sideways as it goes with my name (as pointed out to me, lol, of course I did that on purpose!), but I have managed to not only re-size the photo for the forum, but put it straight, it would look odd sideways that small, I think. I also uploaded it to my blog, which I'm not showing anyone until I've done a bit more work on it... that and fixing a broken link on it today, I am quite pleased with my techy self today! :) 

I've also started the 'get started' action plan, bought some (keyword researched) domains, and started my first WP Express blog (well, its up!) after days of trying to get WP Express to work. The trouble with being un-techy is when it goes wrong, you automatically blame yourself, as you assume its a user error, so in the process of trying to fix it, you stuff it up even more! Still, all good now, yippeee! 

I do know how to make normal Wordpress blogs, and I will make sure I make at least one a month that way, just so I don't lose that skill, but its so much simpler with WP Express for now. I'm going to spend the next few days reviewing the keyword research, wp (normal) and articles to make sure I've got all that sunk into my head properly before going on to backlinking - pretty good progress so far for five days I think! 

I must say the support here is fantastic from all you guys, I find it really motivating, especially when you don't have anyone in your 'real' world who understands a word you say about IM, or why you would even want to do it!

Thanks guys, and have a great day! 

Shell :)

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Just remind yourself that those "real world" people that don't understand don't know what they are missing. When you're raking in $10K+ every month and they are wondering how you do it guess who is going to smile sweetly and say "Well had you done what I did back then instead of putting me down you could be where I am now" ... It doesn't matter whether you're sideways or upside down if you are making progress. Go girl and show those naysayers that you rock.
Labman_1 Premium
But Joan, you can always just tilt your head. Or, perhaps a low tech approach, turn the screen sideways.
Shell, nice to see you are making progress so soon. Keep up the good work.
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Shell. Sounds like you are progressing, growing, and taking action big time. I've heard some of the best marketers say that they are technologically challenged. It's easier, I guess, if you are a geek, but you can excel either way. You learn a lot of the technical stuff as you go along. BTW, I know you like your picture sideways, but I keep wanting to see your bright happy face straight on.