Newbies trying anything for success

Last Update: June 29, 2010

I'm new at this but I can tell you if your new like me everything about affiliate marketing is foreign.  But newbies including myself have to hang in there.  I believe the first problem when starting anything new is the learning curve and how well one can be a sponge and absorb new information.  Truly i'm not even sure how to write a blog or if what i'm writing right now is considered one.  But for me the best way to learn is by just doing it and trial and error will take over.

First things first when dealing with affiliate marketing.  I believe the hardest problem with being new is determing what to market, sell, or represent.  So far if you have watched the tutorial's you should know by now were here to reslove a problem for a customer.  Whether that's selling a item or giving them access to poweful information.  With so many ways trying to capture a potential buyer WA gives affiliates the go-go gadget like approach to the many numbers of tools at our disposal.  So understanding the basics is very important as well as asking questions. 

What I believe is best for newbies like myself is to follow the action plan and if you don't understand ask questions in the forum.  It really makes a difference when you have so many answers on the same topics.  That's the beauty of it because one response you may not understand.  But don't stop because another affiliate may have a similar response that you can relate to .  So the forum really breaks down into a more personal resource machine rather than some super technical device. 

Also it never hurts to research different training videos, blogs, articles on a particular subject you don't understand.  Trust me there's still a lot I don't understand but i'm trying my hardest to learn.  What I have gained in researching is a pretty good list of about 300 that contains all the websites that are considered the best of the best for affiliates. Please Click  Well I hope this helps. 

If any of the veterans have any adivce please add whatever I left off which I know is a lot. 

Thanks for all input

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