About Garyt1992
Joined August 2008
Hi I find Wealthy Affiliate a most interesting community. about me, I am 74 years old and retired. My life has been filled with exciting projects. I was a test equipment engineer on the Apollo Program. As an Engineering Technician at China Lake NAWC. I was on the team that developed the most sophisticated Air Traffic Control System in 1990 and our product was certified by the FAA in 1993. There were only four of these systems built. All at test and development locations. Folks I want you to remember when I got into all of this, there were no transistors no cell phones no PDA no Laptop computers. So my generation has taken technology a long way and I think WA is continuing in the same vein.
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garyt1992 Premium
You look to be closer to my age than anybody I've met so far. These kids are smart and I like the idea that at this young age they are thinking about giving back. It makes me feel good. Have a great day Rob
momzrock Premium
You are a very young man and have accomplished so much, I am glad to be involved with such a group.
garyt1992 Premium
Momzrock probably says it all. what is your goal for your wealthy activity. Obviously Affiliate marketing and avoiding the scams out there. Well best of luck and if I can be of any help, let me know. I,m located in Raleigh NC. Travis is in Arkansas. I guess Kyle and Carson and the WA home site are in Vancover BC Canada. I guess where you are at really doesn't matter, the Internet is World Wide. Have a great day. Gary
silverlotus Premium
Welcome to Wealthy Affiliates Gary. You obviously have a great aptitude for technology that is very impressive. Thank you for your contributions toward the great evolution of mankind. Congratulations on your acute mind and continued perseverance. I'm sure you will be impressed, amused and inspired too by the myriad of personalities, skills, imagination and fortitude found within the WA community. If I can be of help be sure to let me know. Good luck.
EricM Premium
Hello Gary....welcome.
TJ Books Premium
Welcome to WA, Gary! I had a friend, an electrical engineer named Ralph Pierpont at CL. He died some years back.

You have made a wonderful decision to Learn to Earn. This is the only place on the net that you get free
tutoring along with the lessons. You are never left on your own here. I've been here for about nine or ten weeks. My income is rising like seas from melting glaciers but as you go along and learn more, the more money you make. It is a good feeling to know that what you are doing is right and what you are doing is profitable. It
may take a while to really get going but read every lesson and do every task, then go back and do it again. You Will Make Money if you are devoted to making money and you use Kyle or Carson to help you. Don't for get the Share Zone either.

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