About Giepanambo
Joined July 2012
hi guys! looking forward to learn and earn from WA. Cheers to us all! Mabuhay and Salamat! -Gi from Manila, Philippines
Giepanambo's Goals 3
Money Goals
new test 1
Money I would be happy earning
Money I would be ecstatic earning
Time I'm willing to invest to achieve my goals
Goal created on
Dec 14, 2016
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new test 1
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Shawn Martin Premium
Hi and welcome to WA! Thanks for the follow,and hoping you have a great time here!
Hi Shawn... thank you for welcoming me. It lessens the fear and the shyness I am feeling in engaging with the WA community.
jan_osbert Premium
Hi Gie! Glad to have a fellow Filipino around! Welcome to WA!
hi Jan! salamat... see you around :) i am new to internet marketing and i am glad to be here at WA.
onlinewealth Premium
Hi giepanambo! Sounds like your getting a lot of help! Just stick to it, Im sure you will be just fine. Have a great day! Matt
thanks Matt! good to be here.
mama2karsten Premium
Welcome! and thanks for the follow. This is definitely a great place to learn how to earn. If you have questions, just post them... there is always someone around that will answer or help.
thank you dear :)
nightowlpc Premium
Welcome to WAU (Wealthy Affiliate University) it is very easy to get over whelmed at first with all the great information presented to you here. You can, do the same thing I do is to step back from it for a couple minutes. Until the Light Bulb comes on. But also it is very good to start with the 10 day& 30 day training
hi there... yeah all of the emails i am receiving from WAU are overwhelming. I do not even know where to start (blussshhhh). thanks for the suggestion though. cheers!