About Glassbe
Joined March 2010
First and foremost, I am the dad of a newborn baby boy. The phrase pride and joy is an understatement when it comes to him. My beautiful fiance stays at home with him and makes sure that he is happy and healthy.

As for me, I have spent too many years in the "rat race". My biggest pet peeve is traffic, and I spend enough time in it every day. I would much rather spend those wasted hours of commuting doing something productive.

I have a great group of family and friends that mean the world to me. I want to look back and remember my life full of the times that I had with them; not of the vast amount of time I wasted making someone else rich. It is my belief that I am on the ground floor of a purpose. The only direction is up.

If we've met, then you already have a friend. Hopefully, we can succeed together is this crazy world.

P.S. Realized that I didn't post my name, so everyone is calling me glassbe. My name is Brad (mom named me Bradford). B-rad, Bradley, Bacchus are all acceptable. Look forward to chatting with everyone. Cheers!
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Tans Premium
Great About Me! Congratulations on your little boy! Family is great! Welcome to WA!
music_mom30 Premium
Welcome! Congrats :)
riojs_k Premium
Welcome to WA :)
riojs_k Premium
yes~ we will be successful!!
glassbe Premium
Thanks for the welcoming. Appears that you just got started recently as well. Here's to hoping that this time next year we will be celebrating a year of great success!
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME ! Glad to have you here !

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck ! :)
glassbe Premium
Thanks so much. I may take you up on that offer soon. Your perspective on success is very similar to mine. Cheers to your continued success!
Abnerfer Premium
Welcome on board!
glassbe Premium
Appreciate the greeting. I'm definitely looking forward to moving ahead in this process.