Time Management

Last Update: August 07, 2010

I always used to ask how much time this business would take to be successful. I'm not convinced that is the right question anymore. I should have been asking "what fuels your focus and makes you take action so that time management is no longer an issue?"

Action is the only thing that makes a difference between people who just learn about making money online and people who change their lives by working online.  How is it that I know this, yet struggle with consistent action? I know the residual power of parking my butt in front of this screen for an hour a day and yet, I rarely make it here.

My mind is teaming with ideas for new niches, campaigns, article ideas and groups I want to help. But the follow through often escapes me. Why is that? Some say the pain of my current circumstances is not more that the pain of change, yet. But do I really want to wait for that?

Maybe a preverbial kick in the derrier. No, I'm not a big fan of that either. So maybe I'll just type my little blog entry here instead of working on a campaign while I figure it out.

Weird, I know. Totally backwards. Anyone else willing to share their struggles and successes in this particular realm? Something tells me I need a vision; not a prophetic dream or a vague hope. I need a clear idea of where I'm headed and all the steps necessary to take me there.

"Without vision the people perish."

"A longing fulfilled is a tree of life."

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jatdebeaune Premium
I like to make a loooong list of everything I want to do, every little detail. Then I go back and cross things off. Why? because you can't do everything, you don't need to do everything, and it feels good to cross things off. I get it down to the essentials. That's my plan. Simple. Then, I assign myself tasks. I'm the boss and the employee. Has to be a reasonable assignment though. I perform my tasks for the day, then don't feel pressured. As Sylviane suggests, once you start, you'll have no problem sticking to it. If you write even a short blog, that will get you to the computer to put it in.
Ezinewriter Premium
This is a great blog here. Yes, this is a normal human flaw I guess. Our brain is steaming with ideas and yet our body is very heavy in taking action. What I have noticed for me is that what’s really difficult is that FIRST step. Once you’ve succeeded to have dragged yourself to that computer you will find it easy to stay. What you have to manage is getting there. Once you are there, the hardest part is behind you and you will move forward from there.
moonvine Premium
One of the best little tricks I have learned is to write 3 pages every day -- in a notepad. Just write out what is going on in your life and in your mind. It acts as a clearing house, sort of, and then you can make great lists. I also use a weekly list and a daily checkoff list that I created and print from my computer, but as a grandma, I give myself lots of flexibility and just keep track of what I actually accomplish without pressuring myself.
You look like a busy mom and it is understandable that your mind is teeming with ideas and also things that must be done every day as a mom. Be nice to you! If mama ain't happy, nobody's happy! right?
one other little thought. choose 3 things to do each day toward your on line business and do just those. And keep them simple and easily doable. Staying focused and organized is a full time job for me -- I cannot imagine trying to work on line and take care of precious little ones! My hat is off to you!
magistudio Premium
I read in your profile that you used to serve tables, well - I bet you had that job down pretty good as it takes VERY sharp time management skills for that job.

That being said, maybe it's not time management realities you are facing but more TASK management. Here is what helps me:

* A white board | I always write down what needs to be done that day.
* Plan my week on Sunday | I write down what needs to be done for the upcoming week.

Those two things REALLY help me out.
Jamie Smith Premium
Time Management is very important. I enjoy using google calendar to help set up my hustle worldwide for the week. Jay also does the same. Speaking of that talented man, enjoy the mind map on his magistudios blog and his FREE webinars. Jay is overflowing with wisdom and great at taking action. Jay is a mentor of mine for sure.