About Hailliam
Joined July 2008
Sorry about the picture of my dog, I'm a little uncomfortable uploading a picture of myself (maybe that'll change as time goes on...).

I am a stay at home mom who is now being faced with having to go back to work (it is so hard to live on 1 income!). My husband does a load of overtime to keep me at home (so we can raise our kids), but he is tired and he misses the kids!!!

I tried doing some affiliate marketing on my own but I got very discouraged (I only made 1 sale!). I found this site and it was like a dream come true.
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good fortune Premium
Welcome to this incredible program. Take the lessons step by step and you will be successful. Good luck and hope to hear good news.
good fortune Premium
Love the face of your dog.! I have a boxer he is 9 years old. He was a rescue at age one. He is a great dog. What breed is your dog?
Hailliam Premium
Thanks good fortune! I've been reading and re-reading the lessons... some of it is a bit fuzzy, but I'm sure once I start everything will fall in place.

I can't wait to get started... but I don't want jump into "unknown waters" yet either.

Thanks for the luck, I appreciate it. And I would like to wish you luck as well on this adventure!

Hailliam Premium
She's a Great Pyrenees. Wonderful breed... except they bark A LOT!! Luckily I have great neighbours. It is nice that you rescued a dog. I also have a lab mix that I rescued (from the streets though). Found him wondering around half starved... Once he looked at me with his big eyes, I couldn't bring him to a shelter. I don't regret it, he's great.