Most.. Productive.. Day.. EVER

Last Update: March 04, 2011

Okay, so here's what happened a few days ago: I noticed a sudden drop in my traffic count. It went from 26 visitors to ZERO and I haven't even had one visitor these past three days!

I have absolutely no clue what is going on here, but I figure that my articles have dropped in ranking.

 So I decided to write more articles today. I kept on writing and writing until I had 4 completely new articles. Then I created a lengthy new pages with lots of images (that I had to photoshop first).

 Then I wrote articles for this page.

Now, at the end of this looong day I have:

- written 9 articles (700 words each)
- create one large blog page
- bookmarked all my previous articles (all 42 of them)
- blisters on me fingers

Now it's time to sit back and enjoy a movie, so I have the strength to this all over again tomorrow.

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algee650 Premium
Good job! That's the way to make it happen!
Pounders Premium
You really had a productive day! Makes me feel like I need to step it up! But, just imagine if you keep having productive days like these, the TRAFFIC (and sales) your going to get! WOW! Wish you all the best.
muskyblood Premium
That is a productive day! Keep it rolling, but don't burn yourself out.
klrrider Premium
Keep up the hard work... it always pays off. The Gslap is affecting all of us but when the dust settles all the WA'ers will still be standing! Funny thing I noticed... my blogspot blogs haven't been affected.... I wonder why ;-)
jatdebeaune Premium
The drop in traffic is probably the Google slap. I was hit too. Just keep writing good material and putting it out there. Put it in your own sites and the directories. Google wants good content, so let's see them reward good content. Or, maybe let's switch from EZA to YouTube.