About Hampushm
Joined October 2010
My name is Bas Donker and I'm 21 years of age.
I successfully completed a study on DTP and graphic design and yet, I'm unemployed.
I enjoy traveling and making great pictures along the way.
I often edit those pictures later in photoshop and make a painting or poster out of it (I'm currently working on a big A0 poster with a halloween theme to it).
I live in the Netherlands and I enjoy going out with my friends and meeting lots of girls.
Hampushm's Accomplishments

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Labman_1 Premium
Welcome to WA
klrrider Premium
Welcome to WA and thanks for the buddy invite... accepted... my son (lives next store) is 21 and loves photo-shop. Wished he was interested in IM. Wish you the best and by all means, keep in touch.
famousplumber Premium
Bas - Go get 'em! You look and write like a winner!
sheilal Premium
Hi, Welcome to WA! Although your a few years older, you look a lot like my son and his interests are also media, photography, friends and girls in no particular order. All the best to you and your new career.
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME to the WA community!
Glad to have you here! :)
hampushm Premium
Glad to BE here! :)