Watching Wabinars via Iphone

Last Update: May 28, 2012
I was wondering if anybody out there has any idea how I could watch the Wabinars on my iphone 4? As it doesn't support flash this appears to be a problem. Maybe someone has a way around this? Thanks :)
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magistudio Premium
The software we use to conduct the WAbinars now has an iphone app.
Check it out here:
BIS Premium
Oh that wll be really useful - glad there's now a solution
Sielke Premium
Nice Jay!
Hani Premium
thanks Jay. I'll try this out. It will probably only work for 'live' wabinars though right?
Hani Premium
I just tried it but the it says the meeting id is wrong.
magistudio Premium
Yes Hani, it is for live meetings only.
BIS Premium
According to chat on Apple's official support forums - there is no way round this.