About HonestAffiliate
Joined December 2010
Greetings! My name is Braxton and I live in California. I have been interested in Internet and Affiliate Marketing for quite some time. I am excited to be here and to learn all I can. I have always believed that there is a better way to become financially free and to be able to spend more time with my family. Currently, my wife and I work full time jobs, however opposite schedules. I work during the day and my wife works evenings and graveyards and sleeps while the kids are in school. We have two small and wonderful children and try very hard to spend every minute we can with them especially when we can all be together. I am looking to change all this and have been drawn back to internet marketing from where I last experimented with it almost 5 years ago. I want to make a better life for my family and I truly hope that with all the tutorials and dedication and hard work that I am willing to put into this, that I can achieve success. Time with my family is more important to me than money. My goal with Wealthy Affiliate University is to be able to replace my current monthly income so I can be there more for my children and then to share any success I attain with my closest friends so they can achieve the same. I look forward to meeting all of you and to learn and grow as best as I can. Wish me luck. :)
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Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
cduane82 Premium
I wish you all the best, and welcome to WA! If I can assist you, let me know.
HonestAffiliate Premium
Thanks Cduane. I am thrilled to here that you have been involved in this for only 2 months and are ready to start your own business. Good luck to you. I hope to achieve the same.
Old Mizer Premium
Welcome to WA Braxtonand the great community that exists here. This is the best place to learn online marketing and all the tools you'll need are here. Being a member you have access to all of them. Along with the best part of this site, ...the Forum. We are pleased to have join us. ...I'm in SoCal myself.
Old Mizer Premium
patience and focus, ....patience and focus
HonestAffiliate Premium
Thank you. Your words are inspiring and I can't wait to get started. WA claims there are people who are making $10K a month. My goal is just to see if I can make $10K in 6 months. I hope that is achievable and realistic. Would appreciate and welcome all the help you can provide.
HonestAffiliate Premium
Agreed and wise words to remember.
cashflow+ Premium
Welcome to WA, you sound like you will take on this online business real well. There is lots to learn, have fun doing it. I look forward to hearing about your success. Wishing you wealth. You have a beautiful family I can see your success now. Cheers!
HonestAffiliate Premium
Thank you so much. Really excited to be here. My family is my motivation and I can't let them done. Going to give it my all.
HonestAffiliate Premium
The first day of the rest of my life starts today. Wish me luck.