My First Squidoo Lens

Last Update: December 14, 2009


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Honey Premium
Well Thanks so much Barnabus! I really appreciate that. I've only been here for 2 months but if there is anything I can ever help you with please feel free to contact me.
Barnabus Premium
Congratulations on your first lens. I have made 3 and I haven't seen a dime, but still that's OK with me. It took me awhile to decide what kind of lens I was going to focus on (no pun intended) I hope it makes you some money. Here is a gold piece for your endeavor. Barnabus.
Honey Premium
Today I published my first ever Squidoo lens! I read the tutorial by Manov in the training section about making money with Amazon during the holiday season. I got excited about it and decided that I was just gonna do it. I got to work right away and it took me 2 days to get it the way I wanted it. It's nothing big...not even creative. It's just a site spotlighting Christmas Gifts for men. But prior to seeing this, I was agonizing over what to do...what niche to choose..just trying to get everything right. In the meantime, I was learning and not applying. Then all of a sudden...I just jumped up and did it. In 2 days! So even if I don't make one red cent on that site it doesn't matter. I just gave myself the boost I needed to do another and another. So if any of you out there care to check it out, maybe do a little shopping-the site is: