EarthRain Meditations: Later Never Exists

Last Update: July 07, 2010

For today's meditation we turn to Anonymous, a well-known

expert on everything, who tells us...

Later never exists.

Three little words, but, oh, how deep the meaning because
most of us live for later instead of now, instead of this
very moment.

The only moment that really exists.


I'll prove it to you. Try this...

Breathe deeply several times while you relax and focus
inwardly. Repeat at least three more times as you become
one with the flow of your breath.

Drop any thoughts of what you're going to do later.

There. There it is.

Now you're now.

In the moment.

No past. No future. No hurts. No wants.

Just now.

Just be.


During the coming week, practice dropping later.


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Louise M. Premium
Thank you! Now is real. Past and Future are illusions as they were or will be nows. :)
cld111 Premium
Great reminder Faith. I often forget to enjoy "now"! I also love how Ekhart Tolle says to ask yourself "do I have any problems right now?" The answer is always no. There are no problems in the present moment.
moonvine Premium
Yes yes! I especially notice that when I tell the grandchildren I will play "later" -- is my email really more important than the precious moments with them? No More "Later" -- we will enjoy every moment!
maureenhannan Premium
Thanks, Faith. I just thought of Joseph Campbell's famous saying, "Follow your bliss." In light of your meditation, that charge would become, "Follow your 'now'." I've never been very good at that, I must admit. This is a good exercise for me. ~ Maureen
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Faith. I like to be in the "now" all the time. Very conscious of it. Good meditation.