Faith's IM Business Plan

Last Update: July 20, 2010

1. List IM Business Goals

*Mission Statement: Jumpstart Success - Get cash flowing as soon as possible to pay for expenses and build a strong foundation for my IM business that will be profitable and long lasting.

*Monthly profit goal: Consistent $1000 / $3000 / $5000 / $10,000+ > in phases

*WA objectives list:

            -Get Settled - networking with buddies (blog post + forum)

            -Timed tutorial complete 

            -WA Tools + Resources to support IM campaigns

            -Be relevant and positive - with content and people

            -Leverage on WA for success

2. Habits to make Success a Reality: Consistent, ProActive, Follow Through, Results Oriented, Help & Support Others.

Positive habits will support and give that added boost in overcoming obstacles and get things done pronto.

3. IM Virtual Real Estates that I own list:

*Site/Blogs, Domains, Web 2.0 pages, Original Articles, PLR & MMR,

*Skills & IM tools/resources that I already own - bought or got for free

?Skills & IM tools/resources wish list

4. Draw Up a Financial Plan

*Create an IM budget: IM expenses monthly, Cash flowing in/Allocated cash for IM -  Maintain for greater returns.

?If I need to earn $1000 a month, how many units of product/services do I need to sell to get there?

?Sell Virtual Real Estates for immediate profits - estimated profits after expenses.

?Sell skill/service for more cash.

5. Develop a Sales and Marketing Plan

*Keep a list of all Virtual Real Estates - Maintain for maximized profits and/or sell later.

*IM Campaigns in the works:

            -WA Affiliate Action Plan -Timed Tutorial

            -Blog Revamping > Promotion & Traffic Conversion

            -Selling Virtual Real Estates

            -Sell or Trade IM skill/service 

?Niche Market to go into. Who is my target market, where will I find them and how will I sell to them.

?Will I be using paid ads or free traffic promotional strategies - article marketing, web 2.0 etc..

?Funnel sales strategies, Backlinking plans, Brand promotions,

6. Develop an Operations Plan

*Create plans & sub plans for each campaigns.

            -Basic spreadsheet with monthly expected income and expenses.

*Build a diverse & strong foundational IM portfolio for success.

            -IM campaign model: Article marketing, affiliate niche site, PPC, Site Flipping...

            -Marketing & Promotional plan: article/blog/forum marketing, web 2.0, SEO traffic, paid ads, ad swaps, etc…

            -Sales Conversion plan

*Simplify & Automate step by step plan  - Rinse and Repeat – Update regularly.

?How to improve on the way things are for greater gains.

            -Focus on one or two campaigns at a time.

?How to organize pc and other files, resources/learning to better find and use them.

?List ongoing learning + testing to maximize already launched or new campaigns.

?How to balance IM work with family & other commitments – Rewards system.

?Dedicate time and energy to it all. - Deadlines optional.

7. Risk Management

?List – what is the worst that can happen & how to prevent it/them from happening.  

           -Do's and Don'ts of Internet Marketing / eBusiness

?Is my IM business legally compliant? Internet and intellectual property laws are extremely relevant - local tax laws.

>>>The Importance of Creating an IM Business Plan post will give you some pointers on why I created this plan.





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Old Mizer Premium
Those are great goals Faith and something that needs to be laid out once you have been here a few weeks and feel comfortable. You have to make goals. Just sitting back waiting for that first sale to pop up is not going to do it. Set up a schedule for each week and stick to it. Of course they are going to very because each individual has a different amount of free time they can devote to it. Whatever that time is you stick to it by asking that person in the mirror, "Did I get today's work done?" Whether it was one hour or six of them. That same person in mirror is the only one who can give you an honest answer. Don't try to lie to them because it never works. I have seen some first sale stories in here. Look over to the date they joined and see it was a year ago. I have been here 3 months and made my first four days ago. Not to sound arrogant, but consistency and staying devoted will pay off. Let's see hear..... *reaching into my pocket* HEY, I have a few left! Gold to you young lady. This calls for adding a little more jazz to the jukebox.
cld111 Premium
This is good stuff Faith! I am missing a business plan. You've given me the motivation to create one - right now! Thanks!
jatdebeaune Premium
Well thought out Faith. You thought of things I wouldn't have thought of, but are important and create balance. The Risk Management #7 is interesting. What is your background? I bet it's business. Sprinkle some on me, my friend.
moonvine Premium
Yeah Faith!! And yes, that is very clear and very helpful! And I will absolutely get my own going this week for sure! Our goals are similar for sure. I think I can take this and my daily and weekly check lists and create a business plan now!
Thank you!
It all boils down to daily socializing, learning, creating, marketing. Right? All balanced. not too much time in any one area.
moonvine Premium
Yeah Faith!! And yes, that is very clear and very helpful! And I will absolutely get my own going this week for sure! Our goals are similar for sure. I think I can take this and my daily and weekly check lists and create a business plan now!
Thank you!