Free: 25 Niche List

Last Update: July 08, 2010

I'm always on the look out for good markets/niche with proven buyers to add to my growing niche list.  

Here are 25 free niches for you, provided by Howie Schwartz via OfferVault.Com.

Download directly from the links provided. There is no optin so you won't be subscribed into his email list unless you want to. 

I do not use his products promoted with these free lists.

PDF #2: 15 Niche List

Happy Nicheing!




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Old Mizer Premium
I came across those a few days ago Faith. Interesting and a lot of them I would never have thought of. Here is another place I found a couple days ago. For some who are looking for a niche to choose, this article gives you some very important things to keep in mind while you are choosing one.
Louise M. Premium
Thanks for sharing Faith! (by the way, what a lovely name you have!) :)
maureenhannan Premium
Thanks, Faith! This is cool. I'm intrigued by the busking niche. Wow...that's one I wouldn't have thought of in a million years. And, if I had, I sure would not have known the term!
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Faith. It opened OK for me. Howie Schwartz is a sharp cookie. I get his email. He's pretty aggressive. Lives 20 minutes from me. Wouldn't mind meeting him. What do you think about The Nicest Blog? I have a hard time wrapping my mind around something that looks too "markety". Could that be a shortcoming, or just a personal preference?I don't know. I'm a little different that way.
DABK Premium
Thanks for sharing, the 2nd pdf opens blank.