Free: Develop a USP, Get Things Done, Get Results

Last Update: June 28, 2010

Download 3 free image maps that can be printed or just used as great visual aides for IM - all for free. Check them out here:  Free Visual Aides Image Maps

The recent one offered is a Clarity Map that reveals the art of crafting an effective "USP, or Unique Selling Proposition".

You can use a USP to:

  • Brand your blog
  • Brand a product
  • Brand your business
  • Brand you

Others are for "Get Things Done" and "Get Results". Look to your right for these two.

These image maps are offered by Derek Franklin on his blog. I've been on his email list for awhile and visit his blog regularly. He has great products and mostly offers great content and free stuff every once in a while. 

So if you like to receive great content and without the junk or affiliate promotions sent your way every day of the  week, then visit his site and check him out.

And don't forget to download your free IM visual aides image maps.

Click here:  Derek Franklin's Blog






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iFaith Premium
Thanks Joan and all. I'm glad you all liked the image maps. I'll be posting more links to free IM stuff from now on. Cheers!
morlandroger Premium
Like this. Thanks for sharing. Makes a change (refreshingly) from a lot of the stuff I have just unsubscribed from.
Louise M. Premium
Awesome! Thank you so much for sharing this, I love it! :)
Devan Premium
Hi Faith. Great post. It's my first time to learn about Derek and I was especially interested in his copy-writing business. Cheers. Dev.
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Faith. I can really use this. All of it. Gold coming to you, my friend.