Stop Overwhelm In Its Tracks In 4 Steps

Last Update: May 29, 2010

One of the problems with overwhelm is that it often causes you to automatically feel that you have lost control. You don't know which way is up or down. Feeling stuck and emotionally out of your element makes doing anything or succeeding at anything difficult.

So what do you do when you find yourself overwhelmed with information, with actions that needs to be done, with your present moment in time?

Stop Overwhelm #1: Stop & Breathe

Stop for a moment. Take a deep breath and just breathe. Remember that you are always in control no matter how much you feel that you are not. You are in the driver seat. The vehicle you are driving - article marketing or site building - will always be there for you to get back to. Stop and breathe, go for a walk or do something else. Get back to what you were doing when you are ready.

Stop Overwhelm #2: Reclaim your Foundation

Take a deep breath and acknowledge who you are - your name, your goals, your determination to succeed! What is important is that you find yourself, get back yourself - the balanced, I decided to do this - self. Reclaiming your foundation, your center, will make you remember and believe. Will clear the way to act based on your strengths and build from there.  

Stop Overwhelm #3: Ask Empowering Questions

Ask yourself questions always, to find solutions. For example: What would a successful Affiliate Marketer be doing right now to ____? Stop overwhelm? Find my motivation? Take action? Ask and find the best solution and apply it immediately.Asking the right questions will yield the proper answers.

Stop Overwhelm #4: Simplify & Follow Through

Take action in the simplest way possible as much as possible.Go from 1 to 10 in progress. Follow through to the end. Evaluate your results and improve on them. Do what you can and always move forward in the easiest way possible to reap your rewards.

Stop Overwhelm in its tracks in 4 steps: Stop and Breathe, Reclaim your Foundation, Ask Empowering Questions, Simplify and Follow Through.You always have the choice, the power to change your circumstances. Start with your mindset in that you can always find a way to overcome anything if you want, if you persist, if you work at it - to the end. 







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ScottyD Premium
Your right on the money again Faith,I've thought of doing something like you have done for people,because we all know how that darn o'l being or having that overwhelmed feeling is. Sometimes it's hard to get past it for a day or two, unless we regroup take a deep breath and move on with taking action. The taking action can sometimes be the hardest, you know what you need to do and what you should, but doing & getting it done is a whole other thing!!

KEEP UP THE GREAT BLOGS FAITH! I know there people who find them very "INFORMATIONAL",. Good job buddy!
STT-1969 Premium
Thank You, with all that needs to be done in the kind of business it can be very overwhelming and leave you a bit lost... I like your advice and the four steps with taking control, you are now one of my new found friends...
maureenhannan Premium
When I am successful with this, may I hire you to be my personal life coach? In the meantime, I'll just benefit from the advice. I often get stuck in the marshy land of Overwhelm. Thanks, Faith!
jatdebeaune Premium
Oh Faith, I needed your blog this morning. Suffering from huge overwhelm. There are all these videos that I want to investigate which will require lots of time plus article writing. Where is that deer in headlights?
iFaith Premium
I'm practicing writing articles at the moment and will use this blog to showcase my articles. As well as personal updates - rant IM. Wrote this in 25 minutes. With more practice, a specific task becomes easier to do.