About Imapita4u
Joined December 2008
Hii :)
My name is Jamie, I'm 20 years old & I live in Vermont.
Vermont is a beautiful state, but as for the job opportunities... being as blunt as possible; THEY SUCK.

I started doing research on legit jobs to work at home.. and basically all of them were scams. I never dove in to any of them though - I know better than that. I came across Project Pay Day and thought about that, but I read on how you had to do a lot of work for very little pay.. I read more into it and came across a review for it, but on top of that there was also information about Wealthy Affiliate, and people were commenting about how great it is, and how successful they've become only in a matter of weeks.
After A LOT of reading, I decided to join and see if I could master Internet Marketing and also become successful. I'm on my computer a lot anyways, so I might as well put it to good use!
I really want to start a life with my boyfriend and get a house together. I know I won't be able to do that with an ordinary job.

As of right now, I live with my dad. I have two cats, two rats and two betta fish. I LOVE LOVE LOVE ANIMALS! I also love video games :) thats probably my favorite thing to do in my spare time.
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GT-R Premium
Hey Jamie, welcome to WA. This is the best place on the net for an education in IM. I was the same as you and saw many things out there but with research found they were of little value. I have'nt been here to long but I can tell you from my life experience that this place is real and has taught me so much and I look forward to learning so much more. Since you love animals, maybe you can start with some kind of animals niche?
Anyways, goodluck to you and your dreams
imapita4u Premium
Hey George - Merry Christmas! Yeah, there really isn't anything out there :( I heard this is THE place to learn about IM! So far, I agree. The members are amazing, and the courses/forum on here rock. Yes, I do have a huge love for animals. I love electionics too! I might start somewhere in either of those fields. Not sure yet.. I just wanna make sure I know enough before I really do anything.

I wish you luck too :D! Hope you get your dream car someday. I'm sure you will!
Christel Premium
Aloha Jamie!
Welcome to WA! I hope you enjoy your time here and find yourself successful down the road! You've come to the right place!
Good luck to ya!!!
Christel Premium
Aloha Jamie...
How are ya? Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, I have the flu... which wasn't my idea of starting a new year! =( It's clearing up though, just one day at a time....
Regarding your picture "no image available"... have you tried opening it and then click "delete image?" BTW, you have adorable pets... I used to have pet mice, but that was before I got cats. How do your animals get along? LOL! =)
Talk soon! Have an amazing day!!! =)
imapita4u Premium
Hii Christel, thanks for the welcome!! I am enjoying everything on here so far :) I love it! I hope to be very successful.
How has your success been on here? I see you've been a member for a few months. Thats awesome you have a business in Hawii! What is it that you do?
My sister has been there before and she said it was gorgeous :D

I love the picture of your cats, they're so cute! I have two.. I'm gonna put a picture of them on here soon :P
imapita4u Premium
In my pictures I have two of them that say 'No Image Available' .. and I don't know how to delete them. It doesn't give me the option to do it! Would you happen to know how to get rid of them? Ugh its bothering me :(
imapita4u Premium
Oh its alright :) I really hope your feeling better!!
Yeah when I click on the picture.. actually it won't even bring up the window to delete it... VERY ODD, but it makes me mad I can't get rid of it. Stupid thing.
Aww thank you! I love my animals. The cats are related (the calico is the mom, and the white one is her son). They get along good! Actually, all my animals get along great. The cats don't try to eat the fish or the rodents.. I think its cause they grew up around them so they don't even have the interest to eat them... which is awesome!!

I'll talk to you soon, have a great night :D
iblloyd7 Premium
Hey welcome all that you are looking for is here at wealthy affiliate if you apply yourself. just dig in to the 8 week course first. then frequent the success forum to get a good idea of whats working for everyone else. You can do it if you stay persistent at what you are doing and dont get distracted. Good Luck!
iblloyd7 Premium
My success is slowly starting to come.
imapita4u Premium
Thank you for the 'welcome' and all the great tips! :) I'll definitely be sure to do that.
How is your success going on here?
imapita4u Premium
Slowly is better than nothing :) I'm sure your doing a great job!!
Ezinewriter Premium
Hi Jamie, I love animals too :) and I love internet marketing. You're right lots of those work at home stuff are pure scams! Hope you will learn a lot here and be able to progress to success. If you need any help just ask ok!
imapita4u Premium
Hey Sylviane! Thank you for the welcome!! I'm glad you love animals too :) aaanndd Internet Marketing of course! If I have any questions, I won't be shy, I promise.
Ugh, yes the scams. So many of them sound too good to be true.. and thats mainly how you would know they're so fake!
I came across WA and heard absolutely nothing bad about it. So far I love it, and the people! I hope I succeed real good on here. I would hate having to go to a job that pays hardly anything. The last job I had was just enough to get me by, and I want so much more than that! Well I have to step out for now... Talk to you lateerrr :D
Drew Premium
Hey what's up?

Glad to have another teenager here at WA! :)
Lemme know if I can help you with anything.

Drew Premium
Happy birthday :)

Drew Premium
Heh, I hope you can too! I'm sure you will. :)

Just don't give up... That's probably the biggest mistake ever. If you wanna see something really funny, look at this post I made way back in 2007... https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/wa_forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=7954

Hahaha, I almost gave up! Can't even imagine what I'd be doing now if I had thrown in the towel...

I don't think I actually made a profit until 2008 - Eight months after I started! So stick with it and don't give up. :)

imapita4u Premium
Hey Drew :) Not to much here I guess, just doing a lot of reading!
I agree; it is indeed awesome to see another teen on here, I thought I was the only one :P haha.
I'm sure I'm gonna need a lot of help caauuusee I'm completely new to this! Ahh!

imapita4u Premium
Aww thank you :)! I had a really good birthday.

I saw your list above.. wow your making that much?! Damn I hope I can achieve that too!