Building Your Brand Equity [Video]

Last Update: June 20, 2011

What is brand equity you ask?I came across this video by a guy who runs a successful niche video blog (hint, hint...) by the name of Gary Vaynerchuk who hits the nail on the head. Really motivating video for those of us who need a kick up the butt from time to time (I know *I* for one am one of those).Taking Action is "the Key".Check out the video below:
You can also read about Gary's bio right here Leave me your comments below as I would really like to know what you think. Ride the wave :) Leo
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Incognito Premium
Indeed. I have watched this video around 4 to 5 times and it's just what I need at times to get me going once again. Procrastination is a killer in what we do, that's why it's always a great idea to set those goals and do everything possible to make sure you achieve them. Even if it's something small everyday. The main thing is to keep it going and get your quality content out there. Glad you enjoyed the vid Joan, all the best.
jatdebeaune Premium
That was wonderful Leo. Thank you. Breath of fresh air. It's also the way I think and it felt good to hear someone talking about it. I would think suggesting wines to folks can be fun. I can tell Gary really loves it. He has such an ebullient personality. A performer. That's why they like him for media.