What *YOU* Can Do In 60 Seconds [Infographics]

Last Update: December 31, 2011

Happy 2012 Everyone!

Hope you have recovered from your festivities and are ready to get started (or continue on...) for this new and exciting year that lays ahead. 

This will be a short post where I thought I would share with you some interesting graphs on how online activity was performed every 60 seconds in 2011.

Check out the infographics below and as always feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments area.

Ride the wave :)


http://static7.businessinsider.com/image/4ef864e66bb3f76e58000028-941-665/infographic.jpg" target="_blank">http://static7.businessinsider.com/image/4ef864e66bb3f76e58000028-941-665/infographic.jpg" width="550" />

http://static8.businessinsider.com/image/4ef8650eeab8eac84b00003b/infographic.jpg" target="_blank">http://static8.businessinsider.com/image/4ef8650eeab8eac84b00003b/infographic.jpg " width="550" />


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kyle Premium
I must have missed this post when you initially added it, but these are awesome! I am loving the infographics these days.
jatdebeaune Premium
Interesting to see where all the action is. Thanks Leo. What's Farmville? Happy New Year!
Incognito Premium
Thanks Joan. Farmville is a Facebook App game...was pretty huge in 2010/2011, I think it's died down quite a bit now though...
magistudio Premium
Awesome InfoGraph LEO!
I am curious as to what exactly 38 tons of e-waste is made up of.. perhaps SPAM? If so, how much does a single piece of SPAM weigh!? LOL
Incognito Premium
LOL, very true Jay, my Gmail account must weigh a fair bit then :)