Jay Is Real!! My One on One Review with the Man Himself...

Last Update: January 23, 2011

As promised to the WA crew, I would like to share with you a quick review of my One on One talk session with Jay.

After some time zone brainstorming (as I'm 19 hours ahead) we finally got things sorted out and managed to match up our schedules for the one on one this past Sunday.

Well what can I say about Jay besides the fact that he is a true teacher, down to earth, very easy to talk to and an overall top dude. Then again, aren't most Canadians? 

So what was the chat all about?

Well a bit of everything actually. I started by asking Jay to "pull  apart" TWO of my campaigns.

I got some great pointers as to what ads, banners, etc, to remove, a fix to my headline(s) and overall advice on how to funnel your visitors to get them to do what YOU want them to do.

Limit the distractions and just provide the visitor with only what they need.

We also touched on other topics such as keyword research, good places to outsource, keyword density myths, automated tools and even the muppets!!

My Final thoughts?

From my point of view, I really enjoyed the chat with Jay and would highly recommend it to anyone; even if you're not a price winner.

On the flip side, if you do want the chance to win all you need to do is attend those "Fancy Pants" WAbinars that are run weekly by the man himself!

Jay, if you do read this post and as discussed via Skype, if you're ever down under don't hesitate to give me a ping!


Till next time gang...



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muskyblood Premium
No doubt, Jay is the man.
Jamie Smith Premium
Incognito Premium
LOL. I like it ;)
mmorales Premium
Very well put Leo. Pretty soon you'll be the IM "Wizard of Oz"