Day 2

Last Update: April 09, 2010

Spent my first day looking around the site and reading and reading and reading. My brain feels like mush. Completed the first few lessons and now have to wait. In the meantime I will continue to read and read. Have a few ideas just no clue where to start. I am sure that will come with the training. This morning I read the blog from a guy who has been here 7 months with no sale, yikes!! Now I am scared.. I know it won't happen over night but 7 months~  I know each story is different, I need to read more inspirational stories. Well.. back to reading.


Thanks so much for your input. I know anything worthwhile takes time. It's really nice to know that there really are people here willing to help when needed. Again, thanks.

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Abundantlife Premium
PotPieGirl's tutorial. well worth the study!
Abundantlife Premium
Failure only overcomes those who quit. Welcome to WA and never give up.

May the Blessings Be
Louise M. Premium
I think we all felt overwhelmed when we started. it's important to read, it's more important to take action! :)
About success stories, you need to be aware IM takes time and that every story is different. Just write your own! ;)
jatdebeaune Premium
It's like any business. It takes time to build it. Some people make an income in about 3 months, but they make sales sooner. It's all relative. You can still pull in some money to subsidize your business by offering service to people. Just get it going and try to wait it out.
kadcpp Premium
I have been here less than a month and working my tail off! No sales yet but I KNOW they will come as I have made a few dollars of of adsense already. I takes time to build this stuff but I am confident for the long term payoff. Welcome to the family!