Posts by Its_Angel 3
October 05, 2009
You have to wonder sometimes, if there is a time for everything to come togethr. I have been working on this for a long time and just now, finally everything is clicking.  The most important thing is learning how to actually index my lens, I finally learned the steps needed to do this.  I always thought you just sat around until  Google had the time.  My next stop is learning how to make landing pages, this would seem to be not as easy as it seems. I think mine pretty much st
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September 29, 2009
I read two blog posts today tht gave me a little insight to what I have been doing wrong. Ezine and I are old friends, I have been writing articles for myself and others for months, but didn't really understand the site. Now Ezine is the preimer site, you have to master it if you are going to be a article marketer and it seemed as if I was never going to win platitum status.  Sometimes you get to the point where you are trying so hard, you miss the soloution and thats is what I had been doi
September 27, 2009
I just started on Wealthy Affliate this week. This has been my second try at the one dollar sign up. I never have the money to really sign up, so when this happens I jump on the band wagon and go for broke.  this time, though, after months of not making any conversions I decided I need to get really serious. The money to invest in Wealthy Affliate is just that an investment. Who starts a business without making an investment. in that business 39.00 is not much to get you started.  I ha