First Aritcle Written

Last Update: August 23, 2010


I now have my first article written for promoting Wealthy Affiliate on Hub Pages.  And some more ads posted on US Free Ads.


One article and about 6 ads posted.  Not much but it's a start.  I will soon be signing up for the Article Marketing Course here on Wealthy Affiliate as well as Rocket Articles.


This week will be busy as me and my family as we scatter Mom's ashes on Wednesday, but I'll still be attempting to post ads and write articles.


Generally what I do when I'm not at my computer is write them out on a pad of paper and then type them out on computer.  Or at least that's what I'll be trying to do.


Just letting everyone know what I've done.  Bye for now.

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Sherion Premium
Great! You got a start. I am still trying to figure all this out!