About J.R.GlobaL
Joined January 2010
Hello to everyone in the Wealthy Affiliate Community. My mission in life is to accomplish my goals and dreams and in return help others to accomplish and live theirs; to one day show the everyday person how to live a more enjoyable life to spend with friends, family, and to just be able to experience the many other amazing things in ones life that is meant to be experienced. The opportunity we have within these WA walls is one way of really making this success in life a reality. So if that means working hard, being educated, and learning even more of this valuable information and keep using this knowledge to better my life and then one day turning around and passing it on to others to better theirs, would be something very important for me to accomplish. Basically showing others one day how to live life the way it was meant to be lived, and that's to live a great one. This is what I call one day finding a Global Solution to my Global Formula and if it takes showing one person at a time to have an impact, then that's more than enough for me. I'm looking forward to my success and the furthering of yours. To our future. Thank you and take care.

J.R.GlobaL's Accomplishments

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andy1313 Premium
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME ! Glad to have you here !

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck ! :)
M-skeezy Premium
Welcome to WA and good luck! Let me know if you need anything.
PaintMeFancy Premium
Welcome to WA and enjoy!
bodovan Premium

Welcome on board!!!
Let me know if you need anything to help you here or anything else...
You also are welcome to share any useful information if you want...
Talk to you soon...

Take care,