21st Century culture

Last Update: November 03, 2010

I get asked all the time about my career and some key aspects of my success worldwide. We are at a great place in History where the online culture meets the cell phone culture. Normally my numbers tend to drop every summer because when the weather gets nice, people tend to spend less time on their computers and more time outside. 2010 has blessed me with steady growth every quarter and 4th quarter is already beyond my high expectations. I am forever grateful to EVERYONE worldwide streaming www.bassdrive.com on their cell phones!!

I RSVP'd to Jay's webinar on my Droid-X, most of my time spent on WA is through my cell phone in hotels and airports around the world. On Monday I was streaming BassDrive live while enjoying a great pool session on my BassDrive skateboard. I would have killed for that as a kid.

In addition to hard work and good vibes, I advise you think about all the people that visit your websites on their cell phones each day. The current stats of people who surf online via cell phones are amazing and projections for the next 5years are so inspiring. The future looks bright.


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docoparco Premium
Hail Jamie, yes, I do agree that the 21st century culture represents the age of information and rapid transformation. With the internet and cell phone combined, whenever and wherever we are, we have the world at our fingertips and a world of opportunities to explore.
Thanks for sharing and all the best.